Our Registry revamp had made searching for genuine Green Tick® certified sustainable products and services much easier. Registrations are now listed by Industry Category alphabetically:
You can Search the Registry by entering the Search term in the centrally located Search box. The results of your Search will pop up. Here's the result of a "corn chips" Search:

Click on the Industry Category image and it takes you to that Category folder:
The Category Folder lists products and services that have been certified past and present:
Click on the yellow button View Listing and it takes you to the formal file record of that listing with its certification information:
This example has an image carousel at the top. All sorts of imagery presentation is possible, from static photos to full production video. There is a link to the certified company's website, product listing, or on-line shop as they see fit. Easy as!
And there is an invite folder for you to apply to add your product or service to that Industry Category:
Finally, if you click on a Industry Category with no listing, the No Listing page pops up:

And if you are in that Industry Category with No Listing, you have the opportunity to apply for Green Tick® Certification and take the sustainability lead in your market sector!