From $USD 500*
Eligibility Check
prior to lodging application
* Minimum fee shown, fee by application size. Eligibility Check does not guarantee application will be granted

$USD 50

0.15% of Net Sales
Global Royalty Fee* for use of Green Tick® ecolabel globally
* Paid quarterly in arrears or annually in advance by negotiation
Contact Us to customise your Certification Package

From $USD 500*
Application Fee per Organisation
* Minimum fee shown, fee by organisation size

From $USD 2,000*
Application Fee per Project or Programme
* Minimum fee shown, fee by project or programme size and complexity

From $USD 500*
Application Fee per Site
* Minimum fee shown, fee by site size and operational scope

From $USD 8,000*
Audit Fee for a global certification specified for each individual application
* Minimum fee shown, fee by application size and complexity
Initial on-line fee payment held as a deposit until final fee confirmed with auditor
Application and Audit Fees are non-refundable