An interesting observation we have made from a recent joint study of 'green-labelled' consumer packaged products by McKinsey and NielsenIQ (February 2023), is that in the USA, green market leadership positions in many categories appear to be wide open. Our research has found the same for Australasian, Asian and European markets.
In the 2023 McKinsey-NielsenIQ study, green-labelled products sold better than non-labelled products. Household and personal care products performed best, while surprisingly, breakfast foods and drinks weren't well represented in the sustainability stakes. Kombucha (14) stood out on its own as a sustainability winner.

Green-labelled products benefited all brand types, especially private labels. Most significantly, 50% or more of brands benefited from green labelling, except for medium-sized brands at 38%. Private labels stood out, with 88% of them benefiting from green labelling.

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